Los cobardes se arrodillan (Cowards Bend the Knee)

Los cobardes se arrodillan (Cowards Bend the Knee) (2003)
Cowards Bend the Knee or The Blue Hands
Canadá 64 min.
Craig Aftanas
Ricardo Alms
Ted Avent
Mike Bell
Tara Birtwhistle
Steve Burke
Victor Cowie
Jim Crawford
Melissa Dionisio
Robert Enright
David Stuart Evans
Shauna Evans
Darcy Fehr
Meghan Greenlay
Erin Hershberg
Sherrill Hershberg
Don Hewak
Matt Holm
Brad Jonasson
Alex Khizder
Billy Dee Knight
Rodney LaTourelle
Bernard Lesk
Stan Lesk
Herdis Maddin
Marion Martin
Spencer Maybee
Aurum McBride
Tracy McBride
Dave McDonald
Erin McKenzie
Henry Mogatas
Louis Negin
Richard Orlandini
Erika Rintoul
Lauren Ritz
Rebecca Sandulak
Mike Silver
Amy Stewart
Kathryn Stuart
Bob Unger
Charlene Van Buekenhout
Caelum Vatnsdal
Kirstin Ward
Jon Ted Wynne
Ian Yorski
Mark Yuill