Marilyn: The Untold Story

Marilyn: The Untold Story (1980)
Marilyn: The Untold Story
EEUU 156 min.
Richard Basehart
Brad Blaisdell
Janus Blythe
J.P. Bumstead
Howard Caine
Sima Conrad
Frank Converse
E. Brian Dean
John Christy Ewing
Michael Fairman
Steve Fogel
Carole Tru Foster
Kevin Geer
Tracey Gold
Anthony Gordon
Jim Greenleaf
James Hayden
Catherine Hicks
John Ireland
Heath Jobes
Paul Larson
Viveca Lindfors
Mae Marmy
Tom Massmann
Jason Miller
Jessamine Milner
Priscilla Morrill
John C. Moskoff
Bruce Neckels
Sheree North
Larry Pennell
Barbara Perry
Frank Pesce
Anne Ramsey
Alex Romero
Lance Rosen
George Skaff
Jimmy Stathis
John Steadman
Bill Vint
Cicely Walper