La noche de los muertos vivientes

La noche de los muertos vivientes (1990)
Night of the Living Dead
EEUU 88 min.
McKee Anderson
Dyrk Ashton
Declan Baldwin
Vini Bancalari
Jordan Berlant
Walter Berry
John D. Bert
Rik Billock
Don Brockett
David W. Butler
William Butler
William Cameron
Bill 'Chilly Billy' Cardille
Tim Carrier
Charles Crawley
Berle Ellis
Earl Ellis
Katie Finneran
Stacie Foster
Greg Funk
Chris Gore
David Grace
John Hamilton
John W. Iwanonkiw
Brad Korbesmeyer
Frederick E. Kowalo
Kendal Kraft
Ralph Langer
Pat Logan
Heather Mazur
Sean P. McCarthy
Bill McCuddy
Jay McDowell
Steve Morrison
Bill Moseley
Zachary Mott
Pat Reese
Tara Rial
Albert Shellhammer
Craig Spector
Russell Streiner
Patricia Tallman
Terry Thome
Tony Todd
Tom Towles