Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn

Las aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (1960)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
EEUU 107 min.
Parley Baer
Neville Brand
Judy Canova
John Carradine
Mack Chandler
Fred Coby
Henry Corden
Finlay Currie
Royal Dano
Andy Devine
Eddie Fetherston
Roy Glenn
Dolores Hawkins
Eddie Hodges
Sterling Holloway
Jimmy Horan
Josephine Hutchinson
Sherry Jackson
Michael Jeffers
Fred Kohler Jr.
Ann Kunde
Patty McCormack
Sam McDaniel
Owen McGiveney
Walter Merrill
Archie Moore
Rickey Murray
Burt Mustin
Tony Randall
Virginia Rose
Mickey Shaughnessy
Harry Dean Stanton
Miles Stephens
Minerva Urecal
Patrick Whyte
Jack Younger