The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman (1974)
The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman
EEUU 110 min.
Teddy Airhart
Ted Arroyo
Eric Brown
Noel Cazenave
Woody Chambliss
Barbara Chaney
Richard Dysart
Joel Fluellen
James Goodman
Jerry Green
Will Hare
Katherine Helmond
David Hooks
Elinora B. Johnson
Warren Kenner
Dudley Knight
Jerry Leggio
Derrick Mills
Michael Murphy
Valerie Odell
Collin Wilcox Paxton
Rod Perry
Roy Poole
Josephine Premice
Thalmus Rasulala
Al Scott
Dan Smith
Carol Sutton
Wilbur Swartz
Tony Thomas
Brick Tilley
Cicely Tyson
Alana Villavaso
Bill Walker
Arnold Wilkerson
Beatrice Winde