La maldición del escorpión de jade

La maldición del escorpión de jade (2001)
The Curse of the Jade Scorpion
EEUU 103 min.
Howard Alden
Woody Allen
Dan Aykroyd
Carole Bayeux
Raymond Beckenstein
Elizabeth Berkley
Bruce Brown
Josef Cahoon
Irwin Corey
Bob Dorian
John Doumanian
Peter Ecklund
Kenneth Edelson
Howard Erskine
Fabrizio Fante
Ramsey Faragallah
Lawrence Feldman
Ray Garvey
Peter Gerety
Vince Giordano
Judy Gold
Joel Helleny
Patrick Horgan
Helen Hunt
Dick Hyman
Trude Klein
Philip Levy
Peter Linari
Herb Lovelle
Brian Markinson
Brian McConnachie
Dan Moran
Michael Mulheren
Arthur J. Nascarella
Ken Peplowski
Randy Sandke
John Schuck
Wallace Shawn
Tina Sloan
Ted Sommer
Maurice Sonnenberg
Greg Stebner
David Ogden Stiers
Charlize Theron
John Tormey
Kaili Vernoff
Noah Weisberg
Ira Wheeler
Chuck Wilson