Pequeño Cherokee

Pequeño Cherokee (1997)
The Education of Little Tree
Canadá 112 min.
Joseph Ashton
Victoria Barkoff
Mika Boorem
Pierre Boudreau
Griffith Brewer
Tantoo Cardinal
Rob Carpenter
Peter Colvey
James Cromwell
Robert Daviau
Larry Day
Rebecca Dewey
Teddy Lee Dillon
Norris Domingue
Christopher Fennell
Dawn Ford
Alain Goulem
Graham Greene
Dean Hagopian
Christopher Heyerdahl
Jeff Jeffcoat
Richard Jutras
Pauline Little
Gordon Masten
Mark Jeffrey Miller
Lisa Bronwyn Moore
Leni Parker
Michel Perron
Karentiio Phillips
James Rae
Howard Rosenstein
Bill Rowat
Jonathan Stark