Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged

Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged (2011)
Ayn Rand & the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged
EEUU 87 min.
John Allison
Clifford Asness
Rajia Baroudi
Mike Berliner
Andrew Bernstein
Harry Binswanger
Yaron Brook
Northrup Buechner
Jennifer Burns
Corey Bustamante
John Campbell
Christopher Cerf
Giovanni Cirfiera
Corey Clark
Dan Cloer
Reut Cohen
Arch Darrow
James Ellias
Charlene Fowler
Erin Fowler
Nicole Gelinas
Richard Graham
Chris Hamel
Matthew Harrison
Anne C. Heller
Mitchell Jameson
Tyrel Janos
James M. Kilts
John W. McIntyre
Michael Mignogna
Kendall Murfas
Kevin O'Connor
Amy Peikoff
Elliot Persico
Richard E. Ralston
Arsburn Roberts
Albert S. Ruddy
Ed Snider
Robert Tasch
Caitlyn Tella
Michael Walsh
Gary Anthony Williams
Lisa Wolf