Apariciones - The Haunted: La casa de las almas perdidas

Apariciones - The Haunted: La casa de las almas perdidas (1991)
The Haunted
EEUU 100 min.
John Asher
Diane Baker
Ashley Bank
Allison Barron
Gibby Brand
Mark Chaet
Michelle Collins
Sharon Conely
Anthony Delan
Jeffrey DeMunn
Hope Garber
Julie Hickman
Jake Jacobs
Sally Kirkland
Louise Latham
Stephen Markle
Krista Murphy
William O'Connell
John O'Leary
Julie Payne
Michael Prince
Tim Rich
Claudette Roche
Benj Thall
Freyda Thomas
Joyce Van Patten
George Wallace
Parker Whitman
Cassie Yates