The Warriors 2: Las navajeras

The Warriors 2: Las navajeras (1975)
The Jezebels
EEUU 91 min.
Bill Adler
Rob Berger
May Boss
Asher Brauner
Ninette Bravo
Kitty Bruce
Sherri Brussa
Tina Christine
Marlene Clark
Jane Darbyshire
Charlotte De Orlow
Roy Engel
Jeannie Epper
Monica Gayle
Gay Guldstrand
Debby Insinger
J.S. Johnson
Janice Karman
Georgia Lee
Robbie Lee
Paul Lichtman
Jack Lukes
Don Marino
Betty McGuire
Michael B. Miller
Bob Minor
Kate Murtagh
Joanne Nail
Helene Nelson
Chase Newhart
Patti A. Nolton
Roger Richman
Don Stark
John Voldstad
Jerii Woods
Clint Young