The Next of Kin

The Next of Kin (1942)
The Next of Kin
GB 102 min.
Frank Allenby
Joss Ambler
Victor Beaumont
John Chandos
Mary Clare
Mark Daly
Alexander Field
Ian Fleming
Philip Friend
Hal Gordon
Jack Hawkins
Geoffrey Hibbert
Thora Hird
J. Edgar Hoover
David Hutcheson
Mervyn Johns
James Knight
Frederick Leister
Guy Maas
Mary Malcolm
Stephen Murray
Richard Norris
Brefni O'Rorke
Nova Pilbeam
Basil Radford
Charles Rolfe
Johnnie Schofield
Phyllis Stanley
Basil Sydney
Reginald Tate
Torin Thatcher
Charles Victor
William Walton
Naunton Wayne
H Victor Weske
John Williams