Voyage of the Rock Aliens

Voyage of the Rock Aliens (1984)
Voyage of the Rock Aliens
EEUU 97 min.
Michael Berryman
Gregory Bond
Patrick Byrnes
Jeffrey Casey
Madonna Christian
Jeffrey Cranford
Peter Cullen
Wizzard Elliott
Rudy Goldschmidt
Ruth Gordon
Jimmy Haddox
Mert Hatfield
Jermaine Jackson
Marc Jackson
M.G. Kelly
Mike Ketchel
Troy Mack
Jac McAnelly
Wallace Merck
Spyder Mittleman
G. Kelly Moore
Pete Munro
Tom Nolan
Ralph Pace
Craig Quiter
Tip Ramsey
Dennon Rawles
Julian 'Sifu' T. Reid
Herschel Rice
Marshall Rohner
Michael Rooney
Brad Sergi
Craig Sheffer
Peter Stelzer
Richard Sullivant
Ken Taylor
Johnny Watson Jr.
Pia Zadora