Cruzando el límite

Cruzando el límite (2013)
Welcome to the Punch
GB 99 min.
Simon Allix
Steven Borrie
Dannielle Brent
Matt Butcher
Joseph Cinko
Alastair Cumming
Ellie Darcey-Alden
Ray De-Haan
Ginny Dee
Leo Fenwick
Jason Flemyng
Elyes Gabel
Lauren Garnham
Tracey Greenwood
Simon Gregor
Johnny Harris
Lee Nicholas Harris
Claire Hearnden
Andy Joy
Daniel Kaluuya
George Keywood
Chonradee Kulthap
Natasha Little
Daniel Mays
Jason Maza
James McAvoy
Matthew David McCarthy
Pete Meads
David Michaels
Nasir Mohamed
David Morrissey
Paul Mullan
Cathy Murphy
Steve Oram
Johnny Palmiero
Mike Parish
Theresa Pope
Robert Portal
Elise Quevedo
Andrea Riseborough
Juley Ross
Ruth Sheen
Seun Shote
Jay Simpson
Mark Strong
Andrew Turner
Tom Turner
John White
Kelvin Wise